Shanna Rae Music~

Shanna Rae Music~
SRM Photography 2020/2021

Shanna Raes~ FAQS/Rules Page

A page dedicated to answering questions from fans,venues,promoters,booking staff,radios,record labels,and other important people;or questions they might have, about my music, me, or booking.Please check here first before you send a message.If you don’t find your questions or answers here, be sure to contact us!

[Here are the following questions and answers.]

1.Q:Do you have anything on YouTube or videos online, etc?A:Yes.-You can find a page here dobbydreams, or on some of my social network pages only; This Website,Shanna Rae Music Channel,Eventful,ReverbNation.YouTube,-Linked here, I have my channel,

 which you can find under On Reverb make sure you pull down the menu for more song clips the first so many are on top,so to see the rest you click"more songs".
-" Connect with links on the sidebar" No other video host pages though.And all links connected to my videos are here for your official mark to let you know they are mine.

2.Q:Do you have a Twitter page?
A:No it's no longer there.Check out Instagram instead or Facebook!

3.Q:Do you have a CD?A:Yes; it was a Single released on
April 9th, 2011 check it out under the "Discography Page".

Or the Merch page:
Available in/or at shows or the stores listed.We will not be having any CD's again,after they are all sold out! I like to provide LIVE SHOWS!

4.Q: Do you have any demo's,samples,videos, of music and your work online?A:We have them on Facebook,Reverb,Music website,pages,Youtube,Photo page, and Dobbydreams home page links.Check out videos too!Note:It Does Not showcase all the styles of my songs there's too many,because each one is different when I write it!

5.Q:Do you have a Facebook,Fan, or Pages?A:Yes we have 2# now;-"Under connect with links on the sidebar".Friend requests/Likes/messages, are different they go to "Me Only Shanna Rae Page"- for updates/feeds/events,on the Fan page 2#, with updates."You can send messages/Friends request to add there.The other page 1# you must "Like" to add that's on the fan/Shanna Rae Music Musicians page: with updates,music, and live feeds too.You can add to all the pages! Fan links are there on the side bar.Thanks!
6.Q:Do you have a Myspace page? A:No longer we closed that time to upgrade;-"Under connect with links on the sidebar".Note:We do now have my Instagram page instead@shannaraemusic 

7:Q:Do you have a email I can reach you? 

A:Yes; Or
(info/booking/messages/questions/some personal messages/tech issues/mailing lists.etc)-{Please No junk mail,ads,marketing,sales,wanting money,spam emails,scams, offensive,meds,fake sales,adult content, signups for products,services,or mailings, none related material, with certain kinds of attachments,donations,wanted items,money given to me,bible donations wanted,photo retouching /website creations, or services,social media wanting to promo my pages to get more fans, and NO Unsolicited Newsletters,Emails, or signups again. Please,{Thank You.}
8:Q:Do you book shows,events,coffeehouses,cafe's,concert venues,fairs,festivals,carnivals,street fairs, ,restaurants,scout events,clubs,church events,schools,colleges,university's,weddings, parties,birthdays,private events,fundraisers,major charities,low budget, no budget,non-profit,etc? A:Yes;yes,yes, and yes,etc.Anywhere.(1-4hr max.)-I prefer 1-2hr but have done up to 3hrs or more by request only.Sometimes I do 30mins Guest by request.I can provide my own sound system big or small/setups/cleanups/set,etc.Please contact booking for more details.:)I will adjust to both budget and space for your event!Please check about our booking contracts if you don't have one,Read more under the -"Music Rules page."

9:Q:Do you have a fan club or mailing list?A:No; fan club. Everyone is a fan.Yes; you can be added to a limited emailing list although we don't send out as much anymore best bet is online,although for those who need it, or add to any of the free fan pages, but it's not required to be a fan.

Still I'd like to see who you are and interact with you! Please stay on stay updated,if you want to, but I  understand if you feel you have to get off for some reason.I like you to stay on the pages, not sure why some get off?

10.Q:Do you have meet and greets after shows? 

A: Yes; photos,autographs,questions,etc. I'll talk to ya little.... how exciting LoL :)
Usually located at the Merchandise table or near the stage area.
In breaks before and after, sometimes people ask things in the middle of a show..which is hard sometimes.LOL.Many people want photos of me Great! Please note: sometimes time may be more limited, at times I have double bookings.etc I have to go!Sometimes I miss taking my break in the hours,so then just ask me when you get a chance,I stop to do that unless in a song playing.:) (Currently with health concerns this a tricky one we will have a plastic shield up.etc and tip jar further away.Please give me more of a distant greet or shout out message later on social media/email.etc)Stay well and safe during these complicated times:(

11.Q:Do you have any merchandise for sale?A:Yes; you can buy it at one of my shows and sample it online on my page;
 We have lots of things to choose from, and they are mostly affordable too! Gift ideas anyone?Some shows we can't have the table.So please buy it when I have it along, and it's limited supplies.
Or I'll just announce I have merchandise and you may purchase it after, in break, or beside the stage.The sales are discount now and we will not be having any items after it's all sold out!Some placed do not allow vendors/Merchandise tables/sales so you may have to ask for a item from just me.

12.Q:Do you have an Official Website?A:Yes; 
( you will find all the updates

 and official links you need! All season long, even off season on breaks. Also now 2019 link:

13.Q:Are your feet cold,Aren't Your feet cold, isn't your feet cold from wearing flip-flops all year?/Would you wear fuzzy or toe socks?A:No; and if I had a dollar for every time I was asked that. I'd be a very rich musician, or person right now. LoL.(I do change styles or colors though.)

No.I don't wear toe socks LoL. I only wear shoes/socks, if I really have to...people have safety reasons.Like dance you do and can't wear flip-flops!
14.Q:Do you have phone numbers you be reached at, or Can I have your cell number?
A:Yes; for booking purposes mostly and important issues only.Some updates about shows are sent by text message or we call certain parties asking if they'd like to come to a gig.Sometimes....You may not get to talk to me.I will get my phone calls handled by a second party.Please try my email,messages,pages,etc, first before we try to talk on the phone.Or give us your contact info/phone number and either me or someone will get back to you! If my number is needed for such as to contact me, your only method of fast communication, or for more important matters, info,bookings,press/media,etc. I can give you one which in I can best be reached by/leave a message with, and we will return the call ASAP! I have a personal cellphone number,but it's not given out much.I will consider the options at the time and see what works best for everyone.Thanks! *See the booking business number also.

15.Q:Will you go on American Idol,
Nashville Star,America's Got Talent,X Factor,
 The Voice, or something similar ever??
A:No; I have been asked this so many times by people LoL.

I would be rich between that and the flip-flop question 13#. :)
There's a lot of reasons why I won't.One, is you can play instruments now, but not original songs a lot of times.Two, there are a lot of reality TV shows trying to find the next "Big thing"three-votes are so hard to get for any contest that requires that.Four, who wants a title that way, known as whatever the show's name is as a former person?Five,it feels restricted,controlled,you are molded into a star, limited if you don't make it pretty far, and the contract or legal mess can be scary.Five, sometimes they add too much to make it bigger if you just want to be small,solo, and low key and personal.So those are some of the reasons. I'm not really interested in the long stressful process either.I have tried local contests, but they are really hard too.(Note: I will NOT do another contests again! I did do one for the last try, but it's not for me they don't appreciate my talents.)I kind of only play it as extra gig at times anyways.:)

16.Q:What type of music and instruments do you play,Do you play anything else,

,Have you played anything else?
A:Acoustic,Acoustic/Electric, and Electric guitars, and my music is all written and performed by me.Originals never, ever cover songs! I'm  a female solo/ vocal artist.The style is hard to explain, even though I put a label. I have had many comments on what everyone thought it was such as Blues,Folk,Pop,Country,Oldies.etc.It's mixed and little of everything.Depends on the song I play or write.Come see a show and listen to find out what you think!!!

All ages,backgrounds,religions,and people seem to enjoy this. 
I don't play anything else,I think guitar fits me as solo act the best.
But I have tried to play drums,I couldn't find a teacher so gave it up.
Also I use to pick at Piano/Keyboard for a while, but didn't stick with it!

17.Q:Would you consider recording or doing a studio session

 for an LP, EP, or a DEMO?
A:I have had so many offers on helping me create my CD's.

Also many business cards/ info/offers given to me.
The fans wanted music now!
I tried to review all the offers and decided to just start out smaller with my CD single for now.

Things are taken care of.Maybe in the future, I'll consider a larger project, then I'll review all offers and options again.Thanks for your interest in my music though and considering good enough to record at your studio! PS.The only way I'd consider recording more, is if I had a record deal with a Major label,or the pro stars were wanting my music to use for payment and use.I would have to record more then to get it on major radios,sales, and to the public around the world.Or if I have more free time and think it's worth working on,to release/ have sales to fans.Right now I have old CD'S left. 

18.Q:If I send an email to the address will it be you that reply's?A:Yes; if you send an email I will reply personally to questions,and other messages.The only way I wouldn't reply is if the filters blocked it, the email is spam/junk/fake mail,it's not related to me,music,it's a rude message, or there are no computers,internet,networks,power, or access available.So send it!!!Please DO NOT sign me up for unsolicited mailings, or keep sending the same emails to my email.It will be replied to in 1-3 days, no longer then 7 unless stated above happens.Thanks.

19.Q:Do you have a band, were you in a band ever, have you considered joining one, can I be in your band,do you collaborate with anyone? or do you jam?

A:Nope; just always me a female solo artist: Singer/Songwriter/Musician!-I have also had several real band offers though.Or musicians wanted to join me.Or me to "jam" with them.This is an offer that came up for me from bands/musicians looking to add on.(I'm am now reconsidering band part,possibly starting a band for 2018.Not sure yet but send me your info and will talk about it taking resumes and auditions.)

 20.Q:What Do you charge for a show,what will you charge me for an event, what have you got paid for a show,do you get paid for this,and do you play some for FREE,  or major Charities?
A:I have had full good paid jobs mostly- I'm professional/paid musician most all of the time.I have had half paid gig jobs.It all depends on how long of a show,the venue itself, and what we workout on how much I get paid.I have done FREE shows on occasion, name brand charity events,full work gigs,donations,tip jars,food/drinks,merchandise/gifts,even exchanges,deals,no budget,low budgets,trades,just sold my merchandise and had a tip jars, and along with fully paid/contract shows/events/jobs.And popular events that are larger crowd based in size, and ticket/reservation/package events.If I'm not paid: I'd like at least have a tip jar, to sell merchandise, meals,or something similar.You listen and decide what you think my shows and I are worth. If your not sure what payments you have in mind.Lets talk about what you'd like to work out it should be fine.I'm flexible and can work around most agreements.I'd like something for my time/expenses/travel to keep going.It helps me and you out too.But I also know some people want music but can't always afford bands so I work with everyone.

21.Q:Would you sell,sign over a contract,or give us permission to use your music,with or without you,work with you to change your music, promote,record,arrange,hire another band/artists to record it,give it for movies,TV,shows, and give it to big named,well established,legends, or stars of music their managers,publishers, producers, and record labels?We be willing to work with you,and you'd receive most,all, or some royalties for each work that was used. But we are only interested in the songs/music from you?Not financially helping you get started as an artist/act or using it as is.
A:This is a Tricky Question in certain deals I may consider letting major artist.etc use my music with holding all my rights and fair payments.The uses of my music would be taken under consideration and of course correct legal matters.But I would not let the music be used for Free or or changed/re-arranged in ways that would not be suitable for me.The songs could be used in other areas like TV,Shows.etc But again I would take all offers under careful view before making my choices.Would consider a deal with producers/managers,Record labels.

I would still like to look at the content my music would be associated with it has to be family friendly! I don't want my music/lyrics changed,subtracted from, and or added to. 
They cannot be used without proper permission from me first.In one or all forms, any of media via:radio,TV,albums,print material,online,etc.
Looking for publisher deals that are legit!
Also contact me regarding signing me to a Major record label company, getting me a manager,publisher, or producer.We are talking about touring,music videos,buses,important legal contracts here.And
if you're willing to work with me personally in recording and distributing my own albums, and making me a star of music industry today.I'm honored that you feel my writing and singing is great.Financially you must take a chance on me. I can't provide the money for this.

Q:Where are you from that you have an southern accent?, Are you from the south, what part?, You sound like you have an accent when you speak?,Why do you speak like that?,You have an accent too!.etc?
A:I have lived in the same place all my life, and I visited a few places in the south but this was mostly after this question, I never lived there.If I did, I guess I'd fit in?I'm not sure. A handful of people have mentioned this to me. I don't hear it.Why do you hear it?I asked a few people that know me and they don't hear this either. Hmmm... Puzzles me.Any comments on this topic?
Thanks for listening to me anyways.Must be fascinating.:) 

Q:Are you from PA, you look new?,Where are you from, 
Where's that at?Are you local?How far is that,what's it close to?

A:Yes,I'm from PA,I'm from hometown: "Pleasant Hall".
I know.. it's very small, and is actually labeled as a "village", the closest larger towns are 30mins away from me in Shippensburg and Chambersburg,Pa.Nothing here that's why I must travel out.So don't feel bad that I like to go to gigs or places far away.I must, so book me!And mostly nobody knows what I'm talking about.LoL

 Q:What's with the Head and stuffed animals Ha,Ha, Hmmmm...? 

A:It was my fake band but I since stopped bringing them along.Fans gave most to me. 

Q:Do you play with a CD or band music in the background at shows?A:No, it's me Live, me playing guitars Live, and me singing my own music Live!!! LoL
Whatever happens it's Live...with or without flaws,goofy moments, and craziness. LoL not perfection of a recorded falseness.Ummm..No Lip sync either.

Q:How long have you been doing music?
A:I have performed as a singer all my life, lots of styles that caught my ears in the years.Just started to grow more now with it.But the little over 15 years, I have been more focused on taking a different path.With my own original music,writing skills, and playing my guitars.I feel stepping up from cover songs,music mixes, or back tracks, and moving on has more opportunity for me at this time.Most love karaoke, or accompaniment by musicians, or bands.But I feel I'm more able to be myself as an artist. Get response that people like me and my music in a genuine way.Not because I sound like a person or performed something already popular from an artist today.Who believes that they like "you",  just because they liked that popular artist? It's about being yourself let it shine!I like the fact I'm a girl musician,original, and that I'm not like most performers.

I want to spread my music messages to people everywhere and entertain just like a band does but solo, to make a point I can entertain!

Q:How old are you, do go to school, what grade are you in,are you out, can I see an ID, do you go to college, how old are you?What year did you graduate,if you did?,Wonder how old she is,
 what do you think? (ha, ha)
A:This is probably another question most asked, some don't ask,others do, and I get them to guess,or they do guess.It's mostly fun to play a guess game.LoL.
Because, I'm not telling on here, and I think it's fun to keep everyone guessing.:)

Ha,Ha,He, He. :)
So there... unless you know me,guess right, or have asked me before, and I said.

I'm not posting it.:)

Q:Are you afraid,terrified, or nervous, in front of people/crowds when you perform. I would be?
A:Never really..I'm use to it now, and the crowds people only fuel my energy.I'm more excited about waiting to go on and start the show.Then actually freaking out about performing for the people.Unless I have something to do, I'm impatient, waiting,walking around, and ready to perform.(Clock watcher)-on time, and ready early.) End on time too.
So No. I'm fine with any size crowd.It's my comfort zone...
I think it would bother me more without nobody listening actually.You the fans or people are what I'm there for. 

Now when on break at times I get a little rusty until I get back into gear again, probably half way through the year.Unless more steady in flow of gigs.I'm ready to keep going more.Most excitement when I have a new song and don't know if anyone likes it yet.Nobody is perfect remember that.

Q:Is your site named from Harry P series?
A:Yes, it is I liked the "Dobby" the best from that LoL.
And who doesn't want a sock to be free and dream?

Q:Can or why can't I take video,sound recordings, or copy and use your music/lyrics with or without your permission? Or write stuff like that down?
A:NO,NO,and NO! For full rules on this and about my music,shows,etc please read-"Shanna Rae Music Rules Page".

Q:Do you do holiday shows,Christmas show/events,etc?
A:No, not currently and that would fall under using other people's music, or I'd have to write more on my own on those subjects.Those who travel,college break,school break,and celebrate Thanksgiving.Plus, I feel this counts out Hanukkah (Chanukah),Kwanzaa,people not celebrating, other religions beliefs,and with just celebrating Christmas, this limits people to come to shows anyways.Weather is another factor that may be hard for me to keep my show dates,and travel out.
Some people are not  into the holidays even, if you have music and cheerful events.

I always usually take break Mid Nov-Feb, 
unless otherwise stated.It's always left open for bookings. 
New Years Eve/ Day, would be an optional thing that I'd play for. That's also if it's workable.Thanks for your interest.

Q:Will you/are you coming back again to this area,venue,event,location, or would you travel to my area/any place, When will we see you again?
A:Sure It will probably be about a year later to return.Unless you book me before then.Or I get the chance to come back.I hope sooner for some places.But if my music is liked and everyone had fun. I'll be back if possible.And yes I'll travel to areas that want me to play!I always like new places!Don't count me out because of distance,time, and travel.Sometimes I can't come back due to booking/company issues.Some places are full, or closed.So it all depends.

Q: Is your name fake or a stage name?That sounds like a artist name.Am I saying your name right?

A:No; it's my real name! So yeah it's my name.Hmmmmmmm or is it?
LoL All artist's have to be a little mysterious...
Another thing,that I won't post.LoL but has been questioned by some.
It's ok not everyone gets my name right first time.LoL

 Q:Would you move away if you would hit it big?,Are you going for the big time?,
Is this your path and career choice?
 A:That would be a big decision, if my life was given the chance, I'd have to move if I wanted to or needed to.I'd love to travel more in states/different areas though for now.Whatever makes life easier.I take whatever comes my way, it all happens for a reason.If my career has to move on, or I get to tour to bigger places lets go.I'm ready.I travel out,and for now I'm passing through then heading back home.I'm not really sure if I want to be too big though.:) I'm doing pretty well and this is my job/career path.

Q:Do I listen to music or have favorites that are not my own?,

Has music always been something you loved? Who's your favs?

A: Cover songs or radio:-
I do listen to other songs, always have,had favorites, and even sing along.

Just because I like my own path now, or I have just grown on being me.
Those are things we all grow up around,get inspired by, or use until we build as our own artists,style, and skills.The list goes on...of songs that are cool right?Yes, I love lots of different music always have.

Q:Can you sign/autograph my_____ ?

A:Yes, I'll sign a lot of things CD's,Pics,Photo's,T-Shirts,etc.
I have been asked to sign people's arms,but that washes off give me at least a piece of paper.

So you can keep it and not suffer washing it away if it's on something good. LoL.
I've even signed a bowling ball before.I usually do this/meet and greets at breaks,before the show, and after the show:located at the merchandise table/artist area.Away from the stage areas.

Q:Do people know you, are you well known?

A:Often people claim they know me often,wave,yell out,.etc I have been posted lot.

So I guess when they shout "I know you" or "you look familiar!!!" "Your the girl with the guitar!" that's a clue right?My face seems more memorable, due to my name gets confusing/mixed up for most.
I've had shout outs at a Sheetz and various other places.
I don't know them personally they are not family/friends, they are fans!Or at least remembered me.Kind of surprises me and makes me either laugh, or look to see who's talking to me.
I don't meet all of them, but they have seen,heard, of me,or came to shows, but did meet/ greet.
I have been on/in many outlets/places so far several News-broadcasts,Radios,Promos,Posters,Newsletters,Newspapers, Social Media, Magazines,Websites,Online,Museum/Candy Store,etc.One's who didn't know me do now, and some meet me once, then remember me even a year later.LoL.So far I have covered a pretty nice range always looking  for more, to go for more traveling outside the local, which has been started.

Q:Is anyone in your family a band member or musician/or sing?
A:Nope; just me.
A:Mom and Bro use to sing, but not professional/or like me.

Q:Where did you learn how to play guitar and write music?
 A:On my own, I was determined to be different, and felt I was missing something.
Plus, I couldn't get the cover songs.The teachers couldn't teach/didn't know how to help me learn either so I got mad, did this myself.

Q:Do you do gigs/music/tours/this- all season long/full time? Do you work full time or is this part time? What do you do when your off in winter?
A:Yes, pretty much do.I take a full break around Nov or Mid Nov-Dec.
I start back up after New Years Day in Jan,

 doing smaller gigs or sometime a big show and smaller spots.Changes each year.
Unless I'd ever get a New Years Eve Party?
The holidays/winter are always too busy/dangerous and my music is not holiday related.
Weather is hard travel issue for me.You can get sick a lot which slows things down.

Sometimes it's slower in Spring.etc, but I have a lot of work to do behind the scenes when not playing  music related like paperwork,writing,recording drafts,websites,bookings,promos.etc 
I make vintage/modern hats currently still play music/work with that.So I do try to take breaks/have a life outside work like dance.:) So it's pretty much full time job.Big season kicks in around March.My bookings are different each year, so just check to see what all I'm into on my life and tours!

Q:How do you get your shows/how can I book you?

A:Many ways; -most people either hear me live,see it somewhere,refer,recommend me,or I get picked,lists,contacted,searched for,etc Some bookings are right on the spot at gigs! :)
Or people will pass on info to where I should go next, or where they'd like me to play.
Mostly I go where it leads/takes me. Look on;
"Music Rules "and "About Shanna Rae" for booking/ more info.

Also see:

Q:Is your music Christian Religion, would you perform it, or another style?

A:I don't do any kind of cover songs,holiday music, religious, or in any style of music other then my own.I have played at church event before.I just can't with the business be labeled. Covers not allowed under the rules.Others don't have this restriction, but even if I wanted I can't. It's not my own music/me, I don't own rights, and I couldn't get paid for a job. No, my music is not labeled or intended to be religious.It is clean,family friendly, open to everyone regardless of age/background.etc.Enjoyed by everyone.The messages,stories,lessons,advice,healing,
 and manor that it's presented may seem like it is.
So yes, it's suitable for a Christian environment/audience,folk struggling,
and examples to younger or troubled generations,youth groups,schools,colleges,.etc 
if you need to know.
I don't want to be closed off, reject, or label it in a certain religion/category/ages.etc
Cause I feel it's not categorized or meant to be like that.
This is just the way I run it.And my music is open to anyone who listens.

Q:Can I touch,hold, or play your guitars please,would you sell your guitar?Where did you get your guitar/Barbie Guitar,I like it-
A:No, not really,not ever, NO, you'll break it,
I don't want it broke so NO!.No, I'm not selling it!
I ordered it from the music store.I'm not really excited about people holding my guitar,
a few guys have wanted to see the guitar I don't know why.

Q:Would you teach me guitar,what you know,give lessons to me, or my child?

A:No, at this point I'm pretty busy with things of my own.I'm also not really wanting to teach guitar lessons.I'm always learning myself every day more and more.
I'm not comfortable trying to teach others.Thanks for asking.

Q:What's the story on the drum, What's the drum for, do you play it?

A:No, I don't play it.I use to take it on tour with me at times.
Got it from Market Street Music in Mechanicsburg,Pa, from Jimmy.
I use to also bring this along but stopped it was heavy LoL.

46.Q:Who inspires/inspired you in music, what artists/kinds of music, and
 did you listen to different kinds of music when you were little?

A:Lots of people inspire me no labels really or certain style.
Some artists like The Wilkinsons,Lee ann Womack,
Leann Rimes,Lady A, Patsy Cline,and Elvis.etc
More modern would be various artists such as;Niall Horan,Meghan Trainor,One Direction,Daughtry,Rob Thomas,John Mayor,.etc
 So many too many good songs LoL to list. 
Really all kinds of music and things/people inspire me!
Yes, I listened many kinds when I was little.
I label my music for the purpose of booking.But really my music is all over the place like me!  
Not all songs do I like by the same artists.and really I give props to the writers that wrote the songs.Without them the singers or band couldn't do them,unless they write them themselves, which some do or co-write.

47.Q:How many songs do you have,did you write,when did you write that,how long does it take to write a song for you,how are they so full of wisdom?How long is that song? A:I have many songs,more then 4 hours worth.Too many to choose from/learn.
And I wrote some when I started that are early shorter/simple,some newer ones that are longer/complicated, and the others were in the middle.I have a writing problem more so when I'm busy with a show the night before in the middle of the night, around midnight.Or when something really triggers me. A new song music/lyrics can be wrote/done in a day/few hours,sometimes 2 songs in a day! LoL.They are just songs of life that I come from around me.Anything/anyone can become one of my never know.Good or bad.When too busy I don't write as much and have a break.

 48.Q:Did you paint,put those stickers/designs on your guitar and face?/What kind is it?
A: My old guitar is a Roy Clark Signature, and the others are Daisy Rock * Electric and Acoustic Guitars! I had stickers on my old guitar- (song writer I call it.), then I put temp images. I change it up.I painted the SR~/Heart on it.I keep it cleaned up, but it also gets different images on it if they fade.No, I didn't do the art myself.Yeah I put things on my face LoL I'm different.

 49.Q:Do you/are you taking either education/lessons/or a degree in music?
A:NO, I couldn't learn from lessons/classes/teachers much on how to play guitar.And Writing/reading music is something people don't want to teach you right or not at all.Singing/playing/writing were all learned myself.I don't have a degree in music or as a teacher.etc.I did study few things and did learn some about music/basics to teach myself how to get this far.Again I'm always learning something new or different to do with my music and I also like to stay focused on one instrument.Though I've picked at Keyboard/Piano in the past some.And also had wanted to do drums at one time, but couldn't find a teacher to help me learn those.So I stayed with guitar in the end.

Can I have a card,where can I get one,do you have a card?

A:Yes, PLEASE take one they are FREE!!! So many people would like to book me,keep in touch,find me. or look my info up online.
But are not sure where to look,were afraid to ask, or get info at a show.
With the cards it is much easier, although my info is some what easy to find sometimes, I also have an uncommon website name.

A:The cards are usually located at different locations depending on the venues layout.
They can be at a merchandise table, in the heart holder,at the wishing drum tip jar in a holder,I have cards with me walking around, or sometimes my staff has cards.
Just ask if your not sure/can't find one, and we'll make sure you get one before you or I leave!!! :) Just get one it's FREE.....!!!

 51.Q:What do you do? or other then being a musician/playing/writing music in other free time?
A:I write,travel, do paperwork,record ruff drafts,look for new bookings,make phone calls,emails,advertise, for the year.etc (Also I stalk people, see if they can do something to make me angry/mad so that I can write a song about it..and get new material.! LOL just kidding. :) -But it does help my writing/music career.)I do other things too outside of all that hobbies.

 52.Q:What kind of guitar strings do you use?
A:Cheap ones I go through too many, to buy more expensive.
And for my birthday one time I got a better pair from a friend.

53.Q:You're from Perry County Right??,Pretty sure it's Perry County?
A:No,Franklin County.Not sure why people always think I'm from Perry County.Many people have thought this or over a mountain.But nope.So thought I should add it to this FAQ page right?:) 

Q:What Musicians/guitar players inspire you,who would you like to be as good as? Are you trying to sound like someone specific? 

A:Nope just wanna sound like me but been compared to many voices.None,I just like being myself,and I'm always learning something new in both guitar/writing!

Q:You work on weekends,I'm busy on weekends,or do you have shows on weekdays?

A:Yes, I have shows on any day of the week,I have played different days/hours!
Just check my sites to see what I have booked,hopefully you can make a show!Or book me for an event near you! Feel free to contact me.

Q:How do you say and spell your name?

A: "Shanna" pronounced (Sha)-(an)-("na")-put together.
'Rae" sounds like "Ray-But not spelled Ray,Rea, or Ra! 

On my Personal Facebook 2# Page it talks the pronounced correct way,
 to say my name.But it's ok if you get it wrong.

57.Q:What are you interests besides music?

A: Making stuff,trying new things,going new places,
walks,working on projects/ideas.Keeping busy.etc

58:Q:Any more samples/Videos,fan pages what music charts are you on?
Charts; if you play music/videos,add as a fan.etc it moves me higher up the music charts or keeps me ahead on.Thanks so much to everyone!
59.Q:What's that thing on your guitar that do-dad?
A:It's my guitar tuner LoL

Q:Can I request a song do you play such and such a artists?

A:Sorry no,only my song that are written by me I never do other artist music/radio tunes.I do listen to other folks music but no play it ever.

61:Q:Do you have your own sound?

A:yes, 3 sizes Large,Med,and Small for indoors/outdoors diff size areas.Let us know what you need or if you have a stage engineer  with your own sounds, it's fine :)

[Note:These are the top 61 FAQ's.If you don't find your questions here Please; Email:/Comment/Message/Or Ask Me!{dramaclubdreams[at]}
This lets people/venues understand that I take my shows seriously.
Please read this before Booking,attending a gig,
navigate websites,pages,contacting, or connect with me. 
(Content subject to change and may be updated as needed.)

1#Video And Sound.NO Recordings Or Copies Of Music,Lyrics, And Content In Any Form!: 
No video,camcorders, cellphones with video/sound either, or any other electronic devices,tape recorders,mp3, writing or typing lyrics.etc that records sounds or videos of any kind.Why can't I?
It's my music and not yours so the rules are unless you have permission by me personally to do this, or  from the places I'm connected with that are protecting my music.This counts for all forms audio or video.Media such as news and newspapers will be ok with permission from me.

Any unauthorized recording or uses are not welcome, without proper permissions.I don't care if it's just a little, the whole show, or a few songs.It's NO,NO, AND NO!!!!
All illegal copies should and will be destroyed/deleted.Please watch a show live or buy a CD from me.Thanks.

2#No Stealing,Copying,Using,Posting,Hosting,Uploading,Downloading, Or Re-Sold/Selling Items/Content/Property,Performing of any kind:

 This goes with 1# Rule.
This includes content posted online,the pages,websites,links,music samples,videos,photos,art,written content,live shows,etc.
Anything connected with Shanna Rae~ Music, SR~Even bought merchandise,

 and you try to copy or  re-sell this on your own that falls under this same rules.
No live,recorded,in print,hand written,rearranged,edited,in radio,

TV,bands,musicians,dues,solos,or any other formats or forms.
Online,DVDs,CD's, disks,records,mp3's, or any other forms of recorded,sound,
 or video files.Without proper permission from SRM~.
Even if it's posted here for the public,
 please ask permission for use.
Copyright SR~ all rights reserved.

 4#Shows/Events/Concerts/Tips Rules:  

Attend 1,many, or all shows that apply to you.Most a free unless otherwise stated.I get paid to perform as my job, while the shows are left free a lot of times to the public.
Admission Fees will be as noted or stated on the sites details such  as:Free,donations,tips,cover charges,regular fees,tickets,private,public,Guest,Full,Charity events,etc.Clapping is encouraged if you'd like it,don't be afraid to make kind of good noise!!!!Scream yay even!Come early,late,if it starts doors open @, come for any or all sets/hours.Get info from me,buy merchandise,and listen to the music.Pass on the good feedback/recommendations.It is not required, but recommended by me at least to your comforts/limits of items only.If you don't like coffee,or drink alcohol,or have health/age/.etc that limits foods/drinks that is understood.:) (Such as I don't.) or if you do drink sodas, or get something similar that is fine, but I think it's polite to buy something at venues,even if just small;soda/drinks,cookie,merch.etc! Also there are dinners/food at times,to support  letting me play.The point is people want business, so I'm helping draw people to them.While I only provide music/entertaiment that's my job,for the people.I'd like a solid set frame/time either solo or in between bands! Thanks.Charities it's your choice to support a cause or causes with donations,tips,merch, or if a ticket price is set
.But it would make both the Charity and I happy.Purchases may be a certain price ranges for different events.My shows are free mostly,and this won't include extra costs; such as your food,drinks,parking,lodging,or sales from vendors/Merchandise.etc I'm not responsible,unless it's connected with me I have no control if your charged/that money doesn't go to me.Tips,money,donations given to me:Please put it in the container music tips,or wishing drum, for me!This all goes to me unless otherwise stated for the major charity that I'm raising for!

DO NOT dig in tips,take from,steal,get change out, or take the tips in or out after putting them in.Or even take the container/jar away from it's spot!The tips are very important to keep me going in my extra costs and when for a charity that cause is very important to me.And the others who put in for it! I appreciate any amount that's given and it always goes towards something good.

5#Meet And Greets:
Unless otherwise stated by the artists,venue, or companies. 

Includes and may be limited to depending on the event,venues,timing.
Talk,ask questions,take any still pictures of me,us,etc,meet me, get autographs, things signed,and buy merchandise. All time with the artist will be for a brief/limited time.As there may be many fans,time restrictions may vary, or other gigs/locations we need to travel to the same day/night.
this all depends on our schedule /availability.Extra time is taken for serious potential booking parties,media,etc at locations.Meet/Greets, will take place- Before,in break, or after shows, sometimes all three.Thanks, it's great to get a chance to talk with people who enjoy my music or find it interesting. 

6#Behavior At Shows: 

Family friendly show/environments mostly,
Please keep things under control/ give respect to all performers.
All ages,unless otherwise stated.
You can't use touch,borrow, or handle  

any of the Sound PA/Instruments.etc that belong to SRM~.

 7#Websites,Pages, and Links:
Please don't post any content not associated with the artist,anything offensive,rude,inappropriate,or any adult contents/images/language.Chile/family friendly or you will be removed/blocked.Do not post any photos,pictures, or words on the sites/pages that may offend or be removed because of it's content.Things may also be shutdown or discontinued if found.Legal measures, and hacking issues will also be addressed.
Be friendly with other fans/friends/followers while posting,viewing,sharing, and visiting related sites.All official outside links connected with this artist are located on the side bar for easy access of the main website.Anything not listed is probably fake,malicious,generic,misleading, or not associated with this official artist.Even though the name/logo's may appear to be the same. Please trust the links and posts from this site to the other pages.If you find a link broken,problems finding things, or a fake sites/content.You may notify us by email about your issues and we can answer your questions, on the content and other none associated sites.Also note; most pages are set to approve most content/fan adds- before posting.Warning! Take Caution while wondering to other sites.Not responsible for false sites, links,bad downloads, ads,pictures,word content, errors,fake links, scams, connection problems, false images,  pics, and other issues.There may be malicious, false sites, scams, etc.Pose to be giving info about the subject/person your looking up.Just be aware when searching or navigating through the Internet for information off main sites.This is our Official site for all your updates, news and links.We are posting this message for your safety.Take care and happy surfing!Signed,Website Manager.

8#Email/Contacting/Connecting SR~:
Please use 1 or more of the following ways to reach Shanna Rae Music ~-

Signup for limited Newsletters with updates,invites,etc.
Bookings or Personal Emails

Twitter/Fan Page/Messages
Facebook/Fan page/Messages

ReverbNation/Fan Page
Myspace/Fan Page 
Comment on any or all pages/Blogger.
Messages are at the bottom of the website.

Please email too in case missed.
NO PHONE CALLS-unless stated/approved given number!
NO SNAIL MAIL-unless stated/approved given address!

Some Phone calls and Cellphone Texts are approved!

Note:Also please read the FAQ's page about what not to send us!

if you forgot here are some of  the things.
Absolutely NO emails such as:

Adult content/offensive/rude.etc

Money scams

Website making requests
Requests for personal information

Bad Language 
Bad pictures or links
Newsletters and signups.
Product signups.
Photo services.
Website fan stat add sales.
Attachments-unless stated!
Links-unless stated!
Anything not related to the content,questions,sites,artist,etc.

None related to fans/contacts. 
All messages will be received,reviewed, and replied to, unless otherwise stated above.
Your info will not be shared or posted unless it is feedback concerning,shows or products from SRM~ Then it may be shared.Please allow 1-7 business days for reply's lowest 1-3.
You may receive a confirm email after message was sent.
If you don't have any other email address and would like personal contact with SR~ more frequently.Please send that request to her by the booking email first.It will be directed. You can connect to her through another method.We still have the right at any time to cut off contacts for any reason under rules.Note:Newsletters are limited/ sent out random times with content 1st, then posted on the sites at a later times.At times the contents posted on the other sites.You may be added/taken off list at anytime or by request, they may be discontinued in the near future.Please check the sites often, all season long,Thanks.

9# Sound PA's/Volumes.
If I'm running sound it's fine I have my own setup.Other times I have to follow other people/venues rules which are fine most of the time.My voice is strong.
But I still don't want to hurt it without a Sound/PA.
I can go with a Med or Small setup for your venue.So please don't turn me too low or off.
Don't need to strain my voice with having no sound at all.Thanks.

10#Booking and Contracts.
Bookings can be single or double in the same day.If times and locations allow.Please check with me even if the date is taken.Between parties, Shanna Rae, must either sign an agreement with your companies contract, or you must agree with SR's contract.Or a verbal phone contract can take place,but must be followed by a signed copy/or confirm:email,in person, or snail mail sent.
This give all full details!I want to use my empty spots for serious parties.
My contracts can be provided for you by snail/email by request/in person.If needed.(Please make a copy for your records too.)Any contracts can't and will not be modified by anyone but S.R.M~During the times our booking policy has changed, we recommend that the info be locked in to place in print/verbal form,contact info be given to each person and it to be confirmed.Even if the show is fully paid, or has been agreed to do for free,a major charity,donations.You still need a contract for all/any show/events!Copies/info are destroyed after finished.No shows under 30 mins as in a "guest appearance",anything less will not be considered unless otherwise stated or demos/media purposes.No more then 4hrs in show length.All other permissions for use of material/info, will have to be ask/requested to use/release by S.R.M~It's not fair to only advertise live music,other acts,music,many artists, etc.You must have the name,style,etc correct and somewhere in the ads.Shanna Rae Music/Shanna Rae,must be included in your promotions/ads!We include you!-Our advertisement's are in full detail with your event,venue, and the artists that apply.Notice must be given two weeks in advance from both/any parties/agreed to, from the events date to cancel or in any all the process like ads.You may request bookings at anytime/all season long.And have to give us time to sign/meet with agreements of contracts for events, and on our part we will make the arrangements to come to your areas/location.
Advertising starts when contract is signed/confirmed/received, until event is finished.Ad's are run on the main websites for potential conflict dates, until contracts are received.Advertising from parties/talent must be started after,this includes all media forms that apply;print,electronic,on air,TV,newspapers,posters,newsletters,websites,pages.etc for those 2 weeks.Again,nothing is final /counted until it's received! No dates are reserved, but only marked as potentials.So please make sure it's set in stone.Don't use any info,names,etc if I'm not appearing/confirmed at your events.Rules are set with these and will not be adjusted for anyone!Please book early to ensure a spot on my calendars.For info about contracts you may look under Tour dates,About Me,etc.
You can also request a "sample contract" to read more about booking options.
Any questions should be directed to us.No charge on you if we cancel, only reschedule at a later date. 

 11#Tech Issues,broken links, Down Sites/Pages Or Comments/Questions.
If we can fix or improve it, we will or if it's down/not working right/missing.  
We'll look into it ASAP.Subject-Tech issues/Problems
Please report any issues to:dramaclubdreams(at) 

Tips Music and Videos: 
Please load them/each player/or page  first.While it runs it may cut in and out.Next after it's done, play it back  for a smoother sound quality/loading time.Pre-load is always faster then waiting for the first load.Devices/speeds/connections may vary with experiences.Please use whichever works best.Youtube in settings you can set for slower connections, or change way you watch each video.Also in browser settings,there are connection speeds/different settings to connect/see pages.Make sure your computer/devices are up-to-date with the latest tech,software,hardware,Apps,plug-ins.etc.Try refreshing pages,different browsers,computers,or turning off popup/spam blockers,firewalls,and closing extra pages,etc.

 12#CD's Press-kits Requests.
 I can mail or drop them off,but this can waste my time/your's.
 I've got many shows without them.
There's limited music samples online.My CD is only 1 song sample.

And are for sale,not free.Press-kits not used should be destroyed, due to personal info not posted shared/seen, or they can be  returned back,mailed to me,/picked up if possible,if dropped off.So we can re-use some of the materials.Please consider if you really need/want them when the same info is online/or by request email.Some say they have too many kits that just sit around.Also request a live audition with me, if online does not work and I'm close to workout something in your area/time frames.Also see online RPK.

Last revised: 2002

Shanna Rae Music~

Shanna Rae Music~
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